In the face of the bandit attack of Russia and Belarus on Ukraine, we are wholeheartedly with our dear friends from Ukraine; both with clients and employees. Persevere in your fight against lawlessness and barbarism in the name and in the interest of the entire civilized world! Unfortunately, we inform our valued customers from the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus that we are forced to suspend accepting export orders from you this year for our Christmas trees. Such a restriction does not in any way apply to our clients from other countries to the east of our borders: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Georgia and, of course, from Ukraine. Our goal is to provide the joy of experiencing Christmas and New Year to all our clients, regardless of where they live, but as honest private owners of our small business, we do not intend to pretend that nothing happened. We believe that there are values that are more valuable than money, and we do not accept the bandit actions of Messrs Putin and Lukashenka. From a business point of view, we do not want to accept the risks associated with purely political events. We hope that after the influence of political reasons ceases and the bandits are sent back to their place, our cooperation with clients from the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus will be restored.